What is a Mobile App? Why and How to Create an App?

App, appli or mobile app: an expression that has become commonplace

The use of digital tablets and smartphones has become more widespread in recent years. More than 99% of people over 15 in France have a landline or mobile phone. 77% of whom have a smartphone. Several words and expressions have become commonplace among the general public today. Thanks to the popularization of these mobile communication terminals. Mobile app, are among these expressions that are extremely common today. These different terms are simply several distinct ways of calling an app developers in dubai.

Mobile app
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Mobile app, mobile application: what exactly is a mobile application?

In computer jargon, an application is nothing more than a program running on a computer or mobile device. The application allows the user to perform one or more actions around a single theme. Several categories of applications exist, including those used on a web browser – web applications – and those intend solely for execution on mobile devices: mobile applications.

These applications are available on download platforms for mobile terminals. The variety of accessible mobile applications is immense. The choice is indeed require app developers in dubai: the user accesses a range of possibilities ranging from applications for learning to electronic games, including task or production management, office tools and image processing.

Beyond their type, mobile applications can be distinguished according to 3 main categories:

native mobile applications.

Some applications that design specifically for a particular operating system: the name is native. This family of mobile applications is the most widespread today. Native applications that they develop specifically for Android or iOS and are run on a smartphone or tablet running one of these operating systems.

Developing an application with such features provides several advantages. First and foremost that of having the ability to access a majority of the device’s features via the operating system. Depending on the actions desire by the user and the features of the application. Access to the device’s camera, calendar or GPS can. For example, be offer on a native application. These app developers in dubai can also help your business app;

web applications.

This family of applications can also be used on digital tablets and smartphones. A web application even has the particularity of being accessible from a computer via a browser. A web application is in reality a responsive website or one whose interface is fully compatible with the display of a mobile device. Using a web browser like Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox is essential to access this family of applications. Web technologies, such as the HTML5 development language, are use to design web applications;

hybrid applications.

These applications combine certain characteristics specific to the two families of applications: native apps and web apps. The combination of HTML5 with languages ​​like JavaScript is therefore essential to develop hybrid applications. These hybrid digital tools are also called multiplatform or cross-platform. They have many advantages, starting with the advantage of not depending on any platform.

The technologies we use for these apps as well as this particularity of being multi-platform also allow their developers to finalize their creation more quickly. It generally takes less time to create a hybrid application compared to designing a native application, for example.